Dec 22, 2008


n. - font

Part of the challenge of creating a blog is figuring out how to use the program. I speak French adequately enough, which is a good thing since I'm now living in Paris. So I think I'm on the way to navigating this properly, but it did strike me funny when realizing that the word for "font" in French is "police." I don't know why, but there are many things about the language I don't understand - the randomness of the gender identification for starters - the word "jour" for "day" being masculine, but the word "journee" also for "day" being feminine. The same applies for the difference between "soir" and "soiree" for "evening" masculine and "evening" feminine respectively. At least they don't have the third option for neutered words as in German because as I understand there are just as many of those words as there are masculine and feminine and the assignment is equally random. I save German for my husband who speaks that in addition to his native French and English. It's a good thing since he is now working for a German company heading their Paris office which is what precipitated our move and now this blog.

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