Jan 26, 2009


v. – to breathe
v. – breathe in
v. – breathe out

I’ve just started to explore yoga options in Paris. I had a regular practice in the Vinyasa style (movement linked to breath) in New York and even taught this last year following the completion of a teacher training program. So my exploration has been two-fold – to find a studio where I can practice and even possibly teach on a part-time basis.

Prices for classes range dramatically and while the places I’ve been allow you to take a trial class, they require that you sign up for a series almost like a gym membership. One also required a note from my doctor stating I’m in good health – something that I understand is fairly common practice and fairly easy to acquire. A simple listen to your heart and check of your blood pressure seem to be all they do from what I understand. So I’m relieved I don’t have to have a full-blown physical since I have an aversion to knowing exactly what my state of health really is!

The classes I’ve taken are taught in a mix of English, French and Sanskrit. The teachers have ranged from Indian to British with heavy accents making it hard to understand sometimes any of the languages they’re speaking. One teacher opened the class with a series of Om’s, but so quietly as if in a whisper. It was very strange and very challenging. Another ended the class in Svasana or final relaxation where you lie on your back and do just that. In English, he was telling us to relax our hearts, relax our kidneys, relax our livers (not sure how to do that exactly unless he meant stop drinking). And then he told us to relax our genital organs at which point I became completely distracted wondering if my genitals were actually organs. Reproductive organs, I understand, but genitals?

So my exploration will continue and it’s research I’m happy to do given my love of yoga. I’ve even come up with what would be my sign off if I ever had the chance to teach here - Bonne journee et namaste ☺


  1. If you want to do a bit of cardio or swimming as well as yoga, Club Med Gym might be a good option.

  2. Also heard about Gym Suedoise - sounds interesting, too...
