Aug 12, 2009

Jus d’orange pressée

n. – fresh squeezed orange juice
We recently bought a juicer. It’s a relatively simple model, but effective. It’s not the speediest process so given my tardiness most weekday mornings, it’s reserved primarily for the weekends. So today I decided I would pick up a fresh orange juice on my way into the office.

There is a place near our garage called Noon. I suppose it’s called that because noon is when it opens. So that was no good. There’s another place not far from the office that serves all sorts of fresh juices, but the machine was broken. There is yet another place called Le Paradis du Fruit, “Paradise of the Fruit,” but they were also closed.

After a certain point when one can’t satisfy a craving one becomes a little desperate. I was now contemplating the practicality of going back home. I tried the super market, no dice, then a place called Jour, “Day,” closed too which made no sense unless they’re on vacation. Finally, it was Starbucks, the American institution and maker of giant coffees that saved my day. A fresh orange juice never tasted so good – merci!

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