Jan 17, 2010


v. – to express oneself
The French have their ways of expressing delight, surprise, relief and even pain just as we do. And the sounds that come with these expressions are close to ours although ever so slightly different.

Where we say Yippee, they say Youpi. Where we say Wow, they say Waouh. Where we say Phew, they say Ouf, which is also a verlan expression for Crazy which if Fou. Where we say Ouch, they say Aille although I’m not sure if that’s the correct spelling and it’s not to be confused with Ail, which is garlic or Aile, which is wing.

Animal sounds are also slightly different. Cows Meuh and not Moo. Sheep Beh and not Bah. Pigs Groin Groin vs. Oink Oink. Cats Miaou, which is close to Meow, but they also Ron Ron, which is the equivalent of purring. Dogs Ouah Ouah vs. Bow Wow or Woof. Donkeys Hi Han, which pronounced in French is very similar to Hee Haw. Frogs Coa, which is completely different from Ribbit. Ducks Coin Coin vs. Quack Quack. Roosters Cocorico vs. Cock a doodle do where hens Cot Cot Codette vs. Cluck Cluck. Owls Hou Hou, which is pretty close to Hoot. Birds in general Cui Cui vs. Chirp or Tweet Tweet and of course Tweeting has now taken on a whole new meaning!

So you say tomayto, I say tomahto and the French say tomate. Voila!

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